Patrick O’ Connell & Qfactor 的历史
Patrick O’ Connell于1951年创立于美国,历近了60年多年的风风雨雨,起起落落,几代人的不断探索研究,终于在业界以技术的领先和最新科技成果的应用得到了地位的巩固和企业的发展.。Patrick O’ Connell在创立初期主要将精力放置于家用电器的配件制作和加工,以及一些公共社区产品的设计和制作。在1955年4月, Patrick O’ Connell建立了属于自己的零件加工工厂。到了后来,Patrick O’ Connell将一部分精力放置在了扩声技术上,于1957年发明并生产了自己的第一颗音响喇叭。
到了1962年,Patrick O’ Connell创立了自己的品牌Q-FACTOR,Q是Quality的缩写,意思是品质的因素,并委托美国及欧州几大公司OEM加工生产,在市场中逐步形成了两大系列,即美国卡夫与欧洲卡夫。在90年代,中国经济质的飞跃引起了Patrick O’ Connell的重视。
于是在2003年,Patrick O’ Connell创立了卡夫音响亚洲版(即K系列)。随后,为了更好的服务于亚洲市场. Patrick O’ Connell将K系列、NQ系列授权中国加工,并开展了亚洲市场的推广及销售,K系列是根据亚洲市场,由其是针对中国市场之娱乐而定位的产品,采用KF商标,以区别其功能和特性,并配套了适合多功能及户外演等多个场合应用的扩声系统。KF系列主要关健性配件全部由海外原厂提供,并严格执行原版设计标准,进行加工生产。
Initially the company concentrated on the manufacturer and distribution of microphones, public address products and transducers.
In 1955 Patrick O'Connell established itself as an OEM components manufacturer of transducers. In those years Patrick O'Connel was the first company to build a 300 W commercial amplifier in the mid sixties and, in the same period, the first in Europe to have a high level Transducer's Research Centre.
Patrick O'Connell transducers soon became legendary and for more than 30 years our woofers, midrange and compression drivers have been used by some very prominent loudspeakers manufacturers worldwide.
In the course of time the company continued to expand its 100 Volt public address electronics, amplifiers and speakers. These being sold both as single products and in complete system solutions for airports, hotels, schools, railway stations, factories and public buildings in general.
Thanks to their know-how in transducers technology, in the 80's Patrick O'Connell's expansion continued with introduction of complete professional speaker boxes.
In 1962 Patrick O'Connell established Q-FACTOR, The ''Q'' means Quality
1961, the titanium alloy, which is used in the aeronautical material, replaced the High aluminum film in the professional audio equipments.
In 1962 Patrick O'Connell established Q-FACTOR, The ''Q'' means Quality, the meaning is the factor of the quality. And Q-FACTOR consigned the companies in America as well Europe OEM to put into production. Afterwards, it became two series in the market— Q-FACTOR (US) and Q-FACTOR (Europe).
1983, Q-FACTOR was taken over by Patrick O’Connell’s son, George Connell.
1985, Q-FACTOR began to study V.DOSC Technology.
In 90's, the repad development of economy in China attracted Patrick and George Connell. Q-FACTOR startted to plan the promotion in Aisa.
2001, Connell used Neodymium magnetic technology in his own speakers.
2003, Connell set up the Q-FACTOR Asia (Series K). Later, in order to satisfy the market in Asia, Series K and Series NQ were authorized to process in China. In the meanwhile, Q-FACTOR began to promote and sell in Asia.
From 2004 a new era began for Q-FACTOR, since then, the company has designed, put into production and delivered to the market a substantial amount of new products every year. 1957, Connell manufactured his first speaker.
From 2008 a new era began for Q-FACTOR, since then, the company has designed, put into production and delivered to the market a substantial amount of new products every year.